Dawn is a doctor of chiropractic, practitioner of craniosacral therapy, certified in yoga teaching, massage therapy, as an herbalist, intuitive counselor, practitioner in Shamanic Ceremony and Journeying and Ordained Minister. She obtained her degree in biology as well as dove deep into intuitive healing. Dawn has been studying the human body and the interconnection of a person’s experience to the individual’s physiology for over two decades. This connection includes emotions, unhealed traumas, mental constructs that reflect distortion in a person’s reality, etc. all of which create a physiological orientation that can cause dis-ease. The vitalistic modalities utilized in the health ministry help individuals transform these unnatural states to embodiment of Life Source, our most natural state.
She is also initiated as a yogini in both Vajrayana Buddhism (Nyingma tradition) and the Kaula and Shakta Tantra streams of Hinduism (Sri Vidya tradition). She is connected to the Paqo Kuna tradition of Peru as well.
Her emphasis is to help women and mothers integrate deep healing with awareness and acceptance for true embodiment to occur so that each woman lives her most authentic life.
Dawn is a mother to a vibrant daughter and she enjoys spending time with her loved ones, snuggles with her daughter, and connecting to nature, music, and her body. She is also passionate about helping build and support an empire of authentic and powerful women to bring about more reverence for the world.